Sunday, January 16, 2011

Linked in-Sign in Problem

Why do I need to click Sign in button twice to be into Linked in?

I was expecting this to be corrected long back but seem that Linked in people didn't observe this problem or is it something I have misunderstood the flow?

Once I come on the homepage, I am asked either to join or sign in as shown red in below image. 

As I have saved the email and password, once clicked the Sign in link, it needs to navigate me to my page, but instead it shows another page to sign in as shown.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

iMindMap...tool to plan, study, create, present and organise your Overview

What I liked about iMindMap...
  1. Very Easy to start your plan and notes in iMindMap
  2. Easy to remember and learn
  3. Easy to use the menus and icons at the top
  4. Various Export options
  5. Nice and large icons
  6. Options to view the map with different options
  7. Colored branches
  8. Text size varies depending upon the level of branching. For higher level..large font size
  9. You can plan your project
  10. Shortcuts
  11. Satisfied with the output

Where I stumbled upon...
  1. When full screen view is activated, I couldn't go back to normal view. I had to look for online help to get the normal view. The answer is toggle Ctrl+F11
  2. When fullscreen view, only icons are displayed which are difficult to remember which action does it perform
  3. Need to wait on each icon to appear the tooltip, which sometimes takes considerable time to appear

Monday, January 3, 2011

Saving 2 emil IDs in Hotmail

I sent a reply to my friend through Hotmail to his two different IDs. One is official and another personal. A screen appeared to save the email IDs with smart text boxes where IDs were already present and few empty boxes where I suppose to enter the name of my friend.

Just to check what error does Hotmail gives, I entered same name for both the addresses to save in my list. And to my great surprise it gave me an option to combine the email IDs. Also it moved the personal ID under Personal email Address heading and another under Official email Address header. That was done very intelligently. It made me happy :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Problem with Windows Media Player 9.0

I have two media players on my machine, Windows media player (Default) and Media Player Classic. Usually I watch the movies on Media Classic Player.

Once I wanted to watch a movie. I double clicked and it opened in windows player which I didn't noticed. I was watching it in full screen mode. I continued till I paused it to note down some instructions. There my frustration started.

To pause the movie in Windows Media Player I pressed "Space bar" for about 2-3 times but couldn't succeed so I used mouse where I needed to do it at the bottom bar. I did not want to exit from full screen mode. It happened 3-4 times.

I quit the windows media player and started watching the movie into my favorite Classic player where I could toggle the pause/play at one "Space bar" press.

Media Player Classic gives me a lot of flexibility and is much more compact.