Saturday, July 16, 2011

UX Books

  1. 101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindogu - Kenji Kawakami
  2. 11 Principles of Interaction Design Explained (2010) - Paul Seys
  3. A Mathematical Theory of Communication (1948) - Claude Shannon
  4. A Software Design Manifesto (1990) - Mitch Kapor
  5. A Theory of Human Motivation (1943) - Abraham Maslow
  6. Abductive Thinking and Sensemaking: The Drivers of Design Synthesis (2010) - Jon Kolko
  7. About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design - Cooper, Reimann, and Cronin
  8. Abstracting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand - Malcolm McCullough
  9. Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction (1996) - Bonnie Nardi
  10. Affordances and Design (1988) - Don Norman
  11. Ambient Findability: What We Find Changes Who We Become - Peter Morville
  12. Analog in, digital out - Brendan Dawes
  13. Apple Computer: The Apple Software Design Guidelines
  14. As We May Think (1945) - Vannevar Bush
  15. At the Heart of Interaction Design (1996) - Lauralee Alben
  16. Bridging Conceptual Gaps (1996) - Jared Spool
  17. Bringing Design to Software - Terry Winograd
  18. Building Findable Web Sites - Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond - Aarron Walter
  19. But How, Donald, Tell Us How? - Stephan Wensveen, Kees Overbeeke
  20. Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning - Dan M. Brown
  21. Computer Science as Empirical Inquiry: Symbols and Search (1976) - Allen Newell and Herbert Simon
  22. Contextual Design: Defining Customer-Centered Systems - Interactive Technologies
  23. Controls are Choices (2009) - Dan Saffer
  24. Creating Persuasive Technologies: An Eight-Step Design Process (2009) - BJ Fogg
  25. Design and Marketing Of New Products - Glen Urban
  26. Design of Everyday Things - Don Norman
  27. Design Research: Methods and Perspectives - Brenda Laurel & Peter Lunenfeld
  28. Designing Calm Technology (1995) - Mark Weiser and John Seely Brown
  29. Designing for Interaction - Saffer, D.
  30. Designing for interaction design: Creating Smart Applications and Clever Devices - Dan Saffer
  31. Designing for People - Henry Dreyfuss
  32. Designing for the Digital Age: How to Create Human-Centered Products and Services - Kim Goodwin, Alan Cooper
  33. Designing for the Social Web - Joshua Porter
  34. Designing Gestural Interfaces - Dan Saffer
  35. Designing Interaction - Dan Saffer
  36. Designing Interactions - Bill Moggridge
  37. Designing interfaces - Jenifer Tidwell
  38. Designing Pleasurable Products - Patrick Jordan
  39. Designing Social Interfaces - Malone & Crumlisch
  40. Designing The Moment - Robert Hoekman
  41. Designing the Obvious - Robert Hoekman, Jr.
  42. Designing the Obvious. A Common Sense Approach to Web Application Design
  43. Designing the Star User Interface (1982) - Bill Verplank, et al
  44. Designing The User Interface - Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant
  45. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
  46. Designing Visual Interfaces - Mullet and Sano
  47. Designing Web interfaces - Bill Scott, Theresa Neil
  48. Designing Web Navigation - James Kalbach
  49. Designing Web Navigation:Optimizing the User Experience - OReilly
  50. Designing Web Usability - Jakob Nielsen
  51. Designing with the Mind in Mind - Jeff Johnson
  52. Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules - Jeff Johnson
  53. Details various strategies and processes to support creating a better UX
  54. Digital Age - Kim Goodwin
  55. Digital Ground - McCullough, M.
  56. Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning (1973) - Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber
  57. Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond Programming Languages (1983) - Ben Shneiderman
  58. Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability - Steve Krug
  59. e-commerce usability David Travis - Kelly Goto and Emily Cotler
  60. Effective UI - O Reilly
  61. Effective UI: The Art of Building Great User Experience in Software - Jonathan Anderson, John McRee, Robb Wilson
  62. Emotion and Design: Attractive Things Work Better (2002) - Don Norman
  63. Envisioning Information - Edward Tufte
  64. Everyware - Greenfeild, A.
  65. Experience Prototyping - Marion Buchenau & Jane Fulton Suri
  66. Eyetracking Web Usability - Jakob Nielsen
  67. Feature Presentation (2007) - James Surowiecki
  68. Filling in the Blanks - Luke Wroblewski
  69. First Principles of Interaction Design (2003) - Bruce Tognazzini
  70. Forms that Work - Alexpal
  71. Fostering Active Prolonged Engagement: The Art of Creating APE Exhibits - Thomas Humphrey, Joshua P. Gutwill, and the Exploratorium APE Team
  72. Gamestorming - Dave Gray
  73. GLIMMER: How Design Can Transform Your Life, and Maybe Even the World - Warren Berger
  74. Good Design in the Digital Age (2000) - Richard Buchanan
  75. Handbook of Usability testing - Wiley Publishing
  76. Handcrafted CSS - Dan Cederholm
  77. History of IxD on Designing Interactions - Bill Moggridge
  78. Home Page Usability - Jakob Nielsen, Marie Tahir
  79. Humane Interface - Jeff Raskin
  80. I just scored Beautiful Visualization: Looking at Data through the Eyes of Experts for my iPad/Phone - O'reilly
  81. Information Architecture - Morville, Rosenfield
  82. Information Architecture - Peter Morville
  83. Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web - Christina Wodtke
  84. Information Dashboard Design - Oreilly
  85. Insanely Great, Or Just Good Enough? (2004) - Dan Hill
  86. Interaction Design for complex problem solving - Morel
  87. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction - John Wiley
  88. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction - Preece, Jenny; Rogers, Yvonne and Sharp, Helen eds
  89. Intuitive Equals Familiar (1994) - Jeff Raskin
  90. Invisible Computer - Don Norman
  91. The man who almost single-handedly revived the handheld computer industry (2000) - Shawn Barnett, Jeff Hawkins
  92. Laws of Simplicity - John Maeda
  93. Living with Complexity - Don Norman
  94. Made to Stick - Chip and Dan Health
  95. Making Meaning (2000) - Chris Pacione
  96. Making Work Visible (1995) - Lucy Suchman
  97. Managing Complex Design Projects (1995) - Hugh Dubberly
  98. Mental Models - Indie Young
  99. Mental Models, Deductive Reasoning, and The Brain (1995) - Philip Johnson-Laird
  100. Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior - Indi Young
  101. Mobile Interaction Design - Matt Jones, Gary Marsden
  102. Neuro Web Design What Makes Them Click - Susan M. Weischenk
  103. Neuromarketing: Understanding the Buy Buttons in Your Customer's Brain - Patrick Renvoise, Christophe Morin
  104. Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner’s Guide to User Research - Mike Kuniavsky
  105. On (Design) Bullshit (2005) - Michael Bierut
  106. On Face-work: An Analysis of Ritual Elements of Social Interaction (1955) - Erving Goffman
  107. On Intelligence - Jeff Hawkins
  108. On the ground running: Lessons from experience design (2007) - Adam Greenfield
  109. On the rate of gain of information (1952) - William Hick
  110. Paper Prototyping - Morgan Kaufmann
  111. Performance by Design: The Role of Design in Software Product Development (2003) - Bill Buxton
  112. Persona Lifecycle - Pruitt, Adlin
  113. Personal Computing (1975) - Alan Kay
  114. Persuasion Technology - Fogg, BJ
  115. Please Make Me Think!: Are high-tech usability priorities backwards? (2004) - Andrei Herasimchuk
  116. Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely
  117. Predicting the Future (1989) - Alan Kay
  118. Prioritizing Web Usability - Jakob Nielsen
  119. Prototyping : A Practitioner’s Guide - Warfel and Gray
  120. Psychology of persuasion and not specific to Web design, Influence - Cialdini
  121. Remote Research: Real Users, Real Time, Real Research - Bolt and Tulathimutte
  122. Responsive Web Design - Ethan Marcotte
  123. Rocket Surgery Made Easy -
  124. Seams and scars, Or Where to look when assessing collaborative work (2005) - Anne Galloway
  125. Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design - Giles Colborne
  126. Simplicity is Highly Overrated (2007) - Don Norman
  127. Six Principles for Making New Things (2008) - Paul Graham
  128. Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design - Bill Buxton
  129. SketchPad: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System (1963) - Ivan Sutherland
  130. So You Want to Be an Interaction Designer (2001) - Robert Reimann
  131. SPACEWAR: Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums (1972) - Stuart Brand
  132. Stimulus information as a determinant of reaction time (1953) - Ray Hyman
  133. Storytelling for User Experience: Crafting Stories for Better Design - Whitney Quesenbery, Kevin Brooks
  134. Strategies of Influence for Interaction Designers (2001) - Scott Berkun
  135. Subject To Change: Creating Great Products; Services for an Uncertain World: Adaptive Path on Design - Brandon Schauer, David Verba, Peter Merholz, Todd Wilkens
  136. Sustainable Interaction Design: invention & disposal, renewal reuse (2007) - Eli Blevis
  137. Technology First, Needs Last (2009) - Don Norman
  138. The Anti-Mac User Interface (1996) - Don Gentner and Jakob Nielsen
  139. The Art of Human-Computer Interaction - Brenda Laurel
  140. The Art of Interactive Design: A Euphonious and Illuminating Guide to Building Successful Software - Chris Crawford
  141. The Computer as Communication Device (1968) - J.C.R. Licklider and Robert Taylor
  142. The Computer for the 21st Century (1991) - Mark Weiser
  143. The Design of Everyday Things - Donald Norman
  144. The Design of Sites - Douglas K. van Duyne, James A. Landay and Jason I. Hong
  145. The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web - Jesse James Garrett
  146. The Herd: The hidden truth about who we are - Mark Earls
  147. The Humane Interface: New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems - Jef Raskin
  148. The information capacity of the human motor system in controlling the amplitude of movement (1954) - Paul Fitts
  149. The Inmates are Running The Asylum - Alan Cooper
  150. The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs : Insanely Different Principles for Breakthrough Success
  151. The Long Nose of Innovation (2008) - Bill Buxton
  152. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information (1956) - George Miller
  153. The Myth of Discoverability (2003) - Scott Berkun
  154. The Origin of Personas (2003) - Alan Cooper
  155. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs : How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience
  156. The Revenge of the Intuitive (1999) - Brian Eno
  157. The Tug of the Newfangled Slot Machines (2004) - Gary Rivlin
  158. The Tyranny of Choice (pdf) (2004) - Barry Schwartz
  159. This is My Process (2006) - Michael Bierut
  160. Thoughtful Interaction Design: A Design Perspective on Information Technology - Jonas Löwgren, Erik Stolterman
  161. Thoughts on Interaction Design - Jon Kolko
  162. Total Engagement - Byron Reeves
  163. Toward an Articulation of Interaction Esthetics (2009) - Jonas Löwgren
  164. Understanding Experience in Interactive Systems (2004) - Jodi Forlizzi and Katja Battarbee
  165. Understanding Your Users: A Practical Guide to User Experience Methods, Tools, and Techniques - Courage and Baxter
  166. Universal Principles of Design - William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler
  167. User Centered System Design: New Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction - Don Norman
  168. User Experience Management: Essential Skills for Leading UX Teams -
  169. User Experience Matters: What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From ‘Objectified’ (2010) - Om Malik
  170. Web Anatomy: Interaction Design Frameworks that Work -
  171. Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks - Luke Wroblewski
  172. Web ReDesign 2.0: Workflow that Works - 2nd Edition
  173. Web Usability Handbook Second Edition - Mark Pearrow
  174. What About Designing Interactions - Bill Moggridge
  175. What Do Prototypes Prototype? - Stephanie Houde, Charles Hill
  176. What Makes a Design Seem Intuitive? (2005) - Jared Spool, Hugh Beyer, Karen Holtzblatt
  177. What makes them click - Susan M. Weinschenk
  178. What Robotics Can Learn from HCI (2008) - Aaron Powers
  179. What We Talk About When We Talk About Context (2004) - Paul Dourish
  180. Where The Action Is - Nardi, Kaptellin
  181. Why Things Matter (2006) - Julian Bleecker
  182. Wicked Problems in Design Thinking (1992) - Richard Buchanan
  183. Windows and mirrors: Interaction design, digital art and the myth of transparency - Jay D. Bolter, Diane Gromala
  184. Working with Interface Metaphors (1990) - Thomas Erickson

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cricket Scorecard

I loved the scorecard from yahoo which shows the way how player is out in a video window which was much needed in plain score tables since many years.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hay Facebook, Stop my video buffering.. I don't want to watch it anymore!

 As a part of social network, I use facebook almost daily for about 5-10 minutes and sometimes I do watch the videos posted by my friends :). Daily there are hundreds of videos posted/shared on facebook. While watching the video sometimes I discontinue watching one video and move on to other. But how do I stop playing the previous video? When I pause it, it stops playing but keeps on buffering causing the problem for my second video buffering. How do I stop buffering that video?

I searched for this on net and got the below link where you can stop the download for videos on youtube. But the "Stop download" option is hidden in the background and is available on right click.

This feature is more relevant on facebook as it shows more than one video at a time. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

SYNC my browser at different locations

While reading online either at office or at home, I came across one problem.

I have few tabs opened in my browser at office and I want to continue my reading at home without using any online bookmarking tool. I don’t want to open up the bookmark application, sign in, click on the URL and then continue reading the page. What if I have multiple tabs in a browser and want to access all those from a different location? How can I have a single shared interface which will give me a seamless user experience regardless of different locations? Will a online browser or a browser plug-in will solve my problem?

I discussed this problem with my colleagues and got to know about Firefox’s sync plug-in which does exactly what I wanted:)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spark "Send" Button

There is no Send button in Spark Messenger?

HFI Certification

I was waiting for a courier since last one month which I received it yesterday. I received my HFI certificate and stamp. I reached at home late evening. There were two couriers from HFI, one from Bangalore and one from Mumbai. I guessed one is a certificate and the other one is stamp.

I opened the certificate and it was a nicely laminated, shiny, thick certificate wrapped in two envelopes. I felt good reading my name on it.

I was more interested in the other package. I opened the box and found a stamp inside. I was impressed with the first sight of it. I checked the stamp from all the sides and felt the smooth surface of it. I took out some of the papers and stamped my name on it. I looked at the paper and my name on it.

After some time, suddenly a thought came in to my mind that this stamp is of no use for me. Where and when I am going to use it? What was the point sending this stamp to a person who works in the digital world and has hardly done any paper work since last so many years? How many of CUA’s have used it and how many times?

My expectations were something different. They would have provided a something like below image with name and certification name on it, which would have a hair band pin on the other side which we would have carried in the office wearing it on our shirts. We would have carried it to all Usability Conferences.

More thought should have gone through this gift.
What do you think?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Linked in-Sign in Problem

Why do I need to click Sign in button twice to be into Linked in?

I was expecting this to be corrected long back but seem that Linked in people didn't observe this problem or is it something I have misunderstood the flow?

Once I come on the homepage, I am asked either to join or sign in as shown red in below image. 

As I have saved the email and password, once clicked the Sign in link, it needs to navigate me to my page, but instead it shows another page to sign in as shown.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

iMindMap...tool to plan, study, create, present and organise your Overview

What I liked about iMindMap...
  1. Very Easy to start your plan and notes in iMindMap
  2. Easy to remember and learn
  3. Easy to use the menus and icons at the top
  4. Various Export options
  5. Nice and large icons
  6. Options to view the map with different options
  7. Colored branches
  8. Text size varies depending upon the level of branching. For higher level..large font size
  9. You can plan your project
  10. Shortcuts
  11. Satisfied with the output

Where I stumbled upon...
  1. When full screen view is activated, I couldn't go back to normal view. I had to look for online help to get the normal view. The answer is toggle Ctrl+F11
  2. When fullscreen view, only icons are displayed which are difficult to remember which action does it perform
  3. Need to wait on each icon to appear the tooltip, which sometimes takes considerable time to appear

Monday, January 3, 2011

Saving 2 emil IDs in Hotmail

I sent a reply to my friend through Hotmail to his two different IDs. One is official and another personal. A screen appeared to save the email IDs with smart text boxes where IDs were already present and few empty boxes where I suppose to enter the name of my friend.

Just to check what error does Hotmail gives, I entered same name for both the addresses to save in my list. And to my great surprise it gave me an option to combine the email IDs. Also it moved the personal ID under Personal email Address heading and another under Official email Address header. That was done very intelligently. It made me happy :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Problem with Windows Media Player 9.0

I have two media players on my machine, Windows media player (Default) and Media Player Classic. Usually I watch the movies on Media Classic Player.

Once I wanted to watch a movie. I double clicked and it opened in windows player which I didn't noticed. I was watching it in full screen mode. I continued till I paused it to note down some instructions. There my frustration started.

To pause the movie in Windows Media Player I pressed "Space bar" for about 2-3 times but couldn't succeed so I used mouse where I needed to do it at the bottom bar. I did not want to exit from full screen mode. It happened 3-4 times.

I quit the windows media player and started watching the movie into my favorite Classic player where I could toggle the pause/play at one "Space bar" press.

Media Player Classic gives me a lot of flexibility and is much more compact.