Saturday, July 16, 2011

UX Books

  1. 101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindogu - Kenji Kawakami
  2. 11 Principles of Interaction Design Explained (2010) - Paul Seys
  3. A Mathematical Theory of Communication (1948) - Claude Shannon
  4. A Software Design Manifesto (1990) - Mitch Kapor
  5. A Theory of Human Motivation (1943) - Abraham Maslow
  6. Abductive Thinking and Sensemaking: The Drivers of Design Synthesis (2010) - Jon Kolko
  7. About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design - Cooper, Reimann, and Cronin
  8. Abstracting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand - Malcolm McCullough
  9. Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction (1996) - Bonnie Nardi
  10. Affordances and Design (1988) - Don Norman
  11. Ambient Findability: What We Find Changes Who We Become - Peter Morville
  12. Analog in, digital out - Brendan Dawes
  13. Apple Computer: The Apple Software Design Guidelines
  14. As We May Think (1945) - Vannevar Bush
  15. At the Heart of Interaction Design (1996) - Lauralee Alben
  16. Bridging Conceptual Gaps (1996) - Jared Spool
  17. Bringing Design to Software - Terry Winograd
  18. Building Findable Web Sites - Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond - Aarron Walter
  19. But How, Donald, Tell Us How? - Stephan Wensveen, Kees Overbeeke
  20. Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning - Dan M. Brown
  21. Computer Science as Empirical Inquiry: Symbols and Search (1976) - Allen Newell and Herbert Simon
  22. Contextual Design: Defining Customer-Centered Systems - Interactive Technologies
  23. Controls are Choices (2009) - Dan Saffer
  24. Creating Persuasive Technologies: An Eight-Step Design Process (2009) - BJ Fogg
  25. Design and Marketing Of New Products - Glen Urban
  26. Design of Everyday Things - Don Norman
  27. Design Research: Methods and Perspectives - Brenda Laurel & Peter Lunenfeld
  28. Designing Calm Technology (1995) - Mark Weiser and John Seely Brown
  29. Designing for Interaction - Saffer, D.
  30. Designing for interaction design: Creating Smart Applications and Clever Devices - Dan Saffer
  31. Designing for People - Henry Dreyfuss
  32. Designing for the Digital Age: How to Create Human-Centered Products and Services - Kim Goodwin, Alan Cooper
  33. Designing for the Social Web - Joshua Porter
  34. Designing Gestural Interfaces - Dan Saffer
  35. Designing Interaction - Dan Saffer
  36. Designing Interactions - Bill Moggridge
  37. Designing interfaces - Jenifer Tidwell
  38. Designing Pleasurable Products - Patrick Jordan
  39. Designing Social Interfaces - Malone & Crumlisch
  40. Designing The Moment - Robert Hoekman
  41. Designing the Obvious - Robert Hoekman, Jr.
  42. Designing the Obvious. A Common Sense Approach to Web Application Design
  43. Designing the Star User Interface (1982) - Bill Verplank, et al
  44. Designing The User Interface - Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant
  45. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
  46. Designing Visual Interfaces - Mullet and Sano
  47. Designing Web interfaces - Bill Scott, Theresa Neil
  48. Designing Web Navigation - James Kalbach
  49. Designing Web Navigation:Optimizing the User Experience - OReilly
  50. Designing Web Usability - Jakob Nielsen
  51. Designing with the Mind in Mind - Jeff Johnson
  52. Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules - Jeff Johnson
  53. Details various strategies and processes to support creating a better UX
  54. Digital Age - Kim Goodwin
  55. Digital Ground - McCullough, M.
  56. Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning (1973) - Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber
  57. Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond Programming Languages (1983) - Ben Shneiderman
  58. Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability - Steve Krug
  59. e-commerce usability David Travis - Kelly Goto and Emily Cotler
  60. Effective UI - O Reilly
  61. Effective UI: The Art of Building Great User Experience in Software - Jonathan Anderson, John McRee, Robb Wilson
  62. Emotion and Design: Attractive Things Work Better (2002) - Don Norman
  63. Envisioning Information - Edward Tufte
  64. Everyware - Greenfeild, A.
  65. Experience Prototyping - Marion Buchenau & Jane Fulton Suri
  66. Eyetracking Web Usability - Jakob Nielsen
  67. Feature Presentation (2007) - James Surowiecki
  68. Filling in the Blanks - Luke Wroblewski
  69. First Principles of Interaction Design (2003) - Bruce Tognazzini
  70. Forms that Work - Alexpal
  71. Fostering Active Prolonged Engagement: The Art of Creating APE Exhibits - Thomas Humphrey, Joshua P. Gutwill, and the Exploratorium APE Team
  72. Gamestorming - Dave Gray
  73. GLIMMER: How Design Can Transform Your Life, and Maybe Even the World - Warren Berger
  74. Good Design in the Digital Age (2000) - Richard Buchanan
  75. Handbook of Usability testing - Wiley Publishing
  76. Handcrafted CSS - Dan Cederholm
  77. History of IxD on Designing Interactions - Bill Moggridge
  78. Home Page Usability - Jakob Nielsen, Marie Tahir
  79. Humane Interface - Jeff Raskin
  80. I just scored Beautiful Visualization: Looking at Data through the Eyes of Experts for my iPad/Phone - O'reilly
  81. Information Architecture - Morville, Rosenfield
  82. Information Architecture - Peter Morville
  83. Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web - Christina Wodtke
  84. Information Dashboard Design - Oreilly
  85. Insanely Great, Or Just Good Enough? (2004) - Dan Hill
  86. Interaction Design for complex problem solving - Morel
  87. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction - John Wiley
  88. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction - Preece, Jenny; Rogers, Yvonne and Sharp, Helen eds
  89. Intuitive Equals Familiar (1994) - Jeff Raskin
  90. Invisible Computer - Don Norman
  91. The man who almost single-handedly revived the handheld computer industry (2000) - Shawn Barnett, Jeff Hawkins
  92. Laws of Simplicity - John Maeda
  93. Living with Complexity - Don Norman
  94. Made to Stick - Chip and Dan Health
  95. Making Meaning (2000) - Chris Pacione
  96. Making Work Visible (1995) - Lucy Suchman
  97. Managing Complex Design Projects (1995) - Hugh Dubberly
  98. Mental Models - Indie Young
  99. Mental Models, Deductive Reasoning, and The Brain (1995) - Philip Johnson-Laird
  100. Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior - Indi Young
  101. Mobile Interaction Design - Matt Jones, Gary Marsden
  102. Neuro Web Design What Makes Them Click - Susan M. Weischenk
  103. Neuromarketing: Understanding the Buy Buttons in Your Customer's Brain - Patrick Renvoise, Christophe Morin
  104. Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner’s Guide to User Research - Mike Kuniavsky
  105. On (Design) Bullshit (2005) - Michael Bierut
  106. On Face-work: An Analysis of Ritual Elements of Social Interaction (1955) - Erving Goffman
  107. On Intelligence - Jeff Hawkins
  108. On the ground running: Lessons from experience design (2007) - Adam Greenfield
  109. On the rate of gain of information (1952) - William Hick
  110. Paper Prototyping - Morgan Kaufmann
  111. Performance by Design: The Role of Design in Software Product Development (2003) - Bill Buxton
  112. Persona Lifecycle - Pruitt, Adlin
  113. Personal Computing (1975) - Alan Kay
  114. Persuasion Technology - Fogg, BJ
  115. Please Make Me Think!: Are high-tech usability priorities backwards? (2004) - Andrei Herasimchuk
  116. Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely
  117. Predicting the Future (1989) - Alan Kay
  118. Prioritizing Web Usability - Jakob Nielsen
  119. Prototyping : A Practitioner’s Guide - Warfel and Gray
  120. Psychology of persuasion and not specific to Web design, Influence - Cialdini
  121. Remote Research: Real Users, Real Time, Real Research - Bolt and Tulathimutte
  122. Responsive Web Design - Ethan Marcotte
  123. Rocket Surgery Made Easy -
  124. Seams and scars, Or Where to look when assessing collaborative work (2005) - Anne Galloway
  125. Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design - Giles Colborne
  126. Simplicity is Highly Overrated (2007) - Don Norman
  127. Six Principles for Making New Things (2008) - Paul Graham
  128. Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design - Bill Buxton
  129. SketchPad: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System (1963) - Ivan Sutherland
  130. So You Want to Be an Interaction Designer (2001) - Robert Reimann
  131. SPACEWAR: Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums (1972) - Stuart Brand
  132. Stimulus information as a determinant of reaction time (1953) - Ray Hyman
  133. Storytelling for User Experience: Crafting Stories for Better Design - Whitney Quesenbery, Kevin Brooks
  134. Strategies of Influence for Interaction Designers (2001) - Scott Berkun
  135. Subject To Change: Creating Great Products; Services for an Uncertain World: Adaptive Path on Design - Brandon Schauer, David Verba, Peter Merholz, Todd Wilkens
  136. Sustainable Interaction Design: invention & disposal, renewal reuse (2007) - Eli Blevis
  137. Technology First, Needs Last (2009) - Don Norman
  138. The Anti-Mac User Interface (1996) - Don Gentner and Jakob Nielsen
  139. The Art of Human-Computer Interaction - Brenda Laurel
  140. The Art of Interactive Design: A Euphonious and Illuminating Guide to Building Successful Software - Chris Crawford
  141. The Computer as Communication Device (1968) - J.C.R. Licklider and Robert Taylor
  142. The Computer for the 21st Century (1991) - Mark Weiser
  143. The Design of Everyday Things - Donald Norman
  144. The Design of Sites - Douglas K. van Duyne, James A. Landay and Jason I. Hong
  145. The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web - Jesse James Garrett
  146. The Herd: The hidden truth about who we are - Mark Earls
  147. The Humane Interface: New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems - Jef Raskin
  148. The information capacity of the human motor system in controlling the amplitude of movement (1954) - Paul Fitts
  149. The Inmates are Running The Asylum - Alan Cooper
  150. The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs : Insanely Different Principles for Breakthrough Success
  151. The Long Nose of Innovation (2008) - Bill Buxton
  152. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information (1956) - George Miller
  153. The Myth of Discoverability (2003) - Scott Berkun
  154. The Origin of Personas (2003) - Alan Cooper
  155. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs : How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience
  156. The Revenge of the Intuitive (1999) - Brian Eno
  157. The Tug of the Newfangled Slot Machines (2004) - Gary Rivlin
  158. The Tyranny of Choice (pdf) (2004) - Barry Schwartz
  159. This is My Process (2006) - Michael Bierut
  160. Thoughtful Interaction Design: A Design Perspective on Information Technology - Jonas Löwgren, Erik Stolterman
  161. Thoughts on Interaction Design - Jon Kolko
  162. Total Engagement - Byron Reeves
  163. Toward an Articulation of Interaction Esthetics (2009) - Jonas Löwgren
  164. Understanding Experience in Interactive Systems (2004) - Jodi Forlizzi and Katja Battarbee
  165. Understanding Your Users: A Practical Guide to User Experience Methods, Tools, and Techniques - Courage and Baxter
  166. Universal Principles of Design - William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler
  167. User Centered System Design: New Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction - Don Norman
  168. User Experience Management: Essential Skills for Leading UX Teams -
  169. User Experience Matters: What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From ‘Objectified’ (2010) - Om Malik
  170. Web Anatomy: Interaction Design Frameworks that Work -
  171. Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks - Luke Wroblewski
  172. Web ReDesign 2.0: Workflow that Works - 2nd Edition
  173. Web Usability Handbook Second Edition - Mark Pearrow
  174. What About Designing Interactions - Bill Moggridge
  175. What Do Prototypes Prototype? - Stephanie Houde, Charles Hill
  176. What Makes a Design Seem Intuitive? (2005) - Jared Spool, Hugh Beyer, Karen Holtzblatt
  177. What makes them click - Susan M. Weinschenk
  178. What Robotics Can Learn from HCI (2008) - Aaron Powers
  179. What We Talk About When We Talk About Context (2004) - Paul Dourish
  180. Where The Action Is - Nardi, Kaptellin
  181. Why Things Matter (2006) - Julian Bleecker
  182. Wicked Problems in Design Thinking (1992) - Richard Buchanan
  183. Windows and mirrors: Interaction design, digital art and the myth of transparency - Jay D. Bolter, Diane Gromala
  184. Working with Interface Metaphors (1990) - Thomas Erickson

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